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The ELR/mile range will be tentatively open Thurs, Dec 19.  Quals TBD

Please text 512-914-9411 if you are planning on coming or

have any questions.


CenTex Shooting Sports next match is Sat Dec 21

Text 512-914-9411 for Gift Certificates to the Range!

 Christmas Holiday Schedule:  Normal schedule - Thurs 8-1 (ELR Closed),

Fri - Sat 8am - 5pm, Sunday 9am - 3pm

New Year's Schedule.  Closed Thurs Jan 2, open Fri - Sat 8-5, Sun 9-3

Clayton Hergert with ATX Precision has been holding private and group lessons at RPR for many years.  He is booking 

classes for this fall.  He'll also host his popular PR Matches starting in Januarly 2025.

RPR Range offers a broad spectrum of shooting options to accommodate and challenge every shooter’s level of experience and proficiency.


  • For pistols and carbines, we have several 100-yard range bays featuring berms at the 50 and 100 yard lines that allow shooters to safely and rapidly engage targets at multiple ranges.

  • Our bays can also be configured to accommodate tactical shooting that incorporates transition drills, magazine reloads, and shooting combined with movement. 

  • Our long range reaches out to 600 yards and is constructed with berms and target clusters at 100-yard increments to enable shooters to engage at every yard line from a bench rest.

  • New 730/1000 Range and ELR at 1mile.

Range Fees

1. Non-Member
$30 one time safety briefing - $20/hr
2. First Responder/Veteran by the hour
$180 annual membership - $7.50/hr
$280 annual membership - $7.50/hr per shooter
3. First Responder/Veteran all you can shoot
$500 annual membership - $0/hr
$750 annual membership - $0/hr
4. Civilian by the hour
$180 annual membership - $10/hr
$280 annual membership - $10/hr per shooter
5. Civilian all you can shoot
$600 annual membership - $0/hr
$900 annual membership - $0/hr
6. Active Mil/LE by the hour
$180 annual membership - $5/hr
$280 annual membership - $5/hr per shooter
7. Active Mil/LE all you can shoot
$400 annual membership - $0/hr
$600 annual membership - $0/hr

* Safety Training Class is specific to RPR Range and is mandatory

Try before you buy!

For a limited time, RPR Range is offering a "Try Before You Buy" opportunity.  

Pay $50 and get an "all-you-can-eat" shooting experience for the weekend.  This is a one time deal and only applies to the weekend that you sign up for.  After using your one time "Try Before you Buy", you must either buy a membership or continue under the Non-Member fee program structure.


Hours of Operation

Thursday 8-1 (Arr by 11)

Friday 8-5 (Arr by 3)

Saturday 8-5(Arr by 3)

Sunday 9-3

(Must arrive by 1:00)

ELR Range

Most Thursdays 8-Noon

Text 512-914-9411 or 512-755-1177 if you want to shoot at a different time and we will try to accommodate.

1610 County Road 115

Burnet, Texas


Thanks for submitting!

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